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Every winter, your trees go into a period of hibernation known as dormancy. They shed their leaves, open up cell membranes, and start converting starches to sugars. Come next spring, they “resurrect” and start a new year of growth. Sadly, not all plants can withstand wintry weather. The grass on your lawn has yet to develop an evolutionary strategy to outlast the colder months on its own. Snowfall will kill it without the proper professional lawn care.

What options do you have for winter lawn care to protect your grass? Today, we take a look at how to prepare your yard and keep a healthy lawn.

Fertilize in Early Fall

The fertilization process is key for plants to bulk up when the sun is strong and temperatures are favorable. Your grassroots need to be robust to survive winter. Build up the root system by fertilizing it so it can gather the proper nutrients.

Choose a granular, slow-release fertilizer with lots of phosphorus and potassium. Read the instructions to avoid over-fertilizing. Be sure to tackle those weeds while you’re at it.

Seed and Aerate

It’s normal for grass to develop bald or thin patches from disease, pests, or foot traffic. Seed these problem areas to give them time to regrow so your lawn is full and healthy before it gets cold.

Aerating your soil means making tiny holes across the lawn to admit water, air, and other nutrients deeper into your grassroots. It has a ton of benefits, especially in reducing soil compaction and increasing root growth.

Control for Pests

There are a ton of pests that will be munching on your lawn to prepare themselves for winter, at your lawn’s expense. Whether it’s ants or webworms, eliminate these infestations now so your lawn has a chance to heal. Call for lawn maintenance when your own methods aren’t working.

Mow Correctly

It’s a good rule of thumb to cut your grass a bit shorter in the run-up to winter. Do, however, avoid cutting it too short, as this makes it susceptible to frost damage. Give it about 2.5-3 inches of height.

Getting the right height ensures it still has enough leaf surface area for photosynthesis. It also reduces the risk of disease or mold growth.

Water Right

You will be watering your lawn less as the temperature drops. Before that point, though, keep a consistent schedule.

Set your sprinkler system to water early each morning or late in the afternoon. This gives a good balance of moisture without waterlogging the roots.

Hire Professional Lawn Care in Bethesda, MD

Winter is coming soon, and your lawn may not be ready for it. Fertilizing and aerating the soil combined with the right watering practices strengthens your grass for Maryland’s cold winter. Be sure to kill off any pests and cut it to the right length, too, and it will stay healthy until the spring thaw.

Looking for professional lawn care in Bethesda with all the services you need? Look no further than BAM’s Landscaping for residential and commercial landscapes. Get started with our lawn specials and discounts.

(240) 447-5921